What Does SOLIDARITY Look Like? (Metropolitan Community Churches)

“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

— Attributed to Lilla Watson and the Aboriginal Activists Group in Queensland, Australia


Do you believe we are called to DO Justice?

Do you want your congregation to truly be a diverse and radically inclusive community?

If so, then this webinar series is for you. Please join us and consider inviting key leaders (or your entire congregation) to participate in this series as a group. This is a great opportunity to add your own programs or discussions for more in-depth dialogue and application in your own context.

Background: The context for justice work is often very messy and complicated. People experience oppression based on many things-race, gender, sexuality, nationality, language, religion, ability, appearance, age, relationship/familial status, etc. We know that justice work is most effective when done in solidarity with one another, but it is hard to know how to best accomplish this. It is particularly difficult for people of privilege to work for justice with those who are experiencing oppression based on characteristics they do not share. For example: How can white people work against racism and race-based violence with people of color in ways that are truly healthy, mutual, and constructive?  How can cis-gendered people most effectively speak and act against anti-trans oppression with trans* and gender non-conforming people? These conversations are difficult conversations to have because this is hard work.

The first webinar will occurred on Thursday, August 20th from 1:00 – 2:30 U.S. Eastern Time (5:00 – 6:30 pm UTC/GMT). This kick-off event includde a foundational presentation about privilege, power, and oppression and a discussion about the ways in which all of us experience privilege and marginalization in various contexts.  Following this initial webinar, we will host a series of discussions on the particularities of oppressions such as racism, sexism, anti-trans* oppression, etc. that will allow us to get real with ourselves and one another about how to strive for solidarity in our shared work for justice.

Watch the On-Demand video at https://vimeo.com/mccchurch/review/137195520/6516b4f9c4

The Office of Emerging Ministries and the Office of Formation and Leadership Development are co-sponsoring a series of virtual webinars and conversations for all who want to engage in this work of solidarity beyond being allies but as effective activists in one another’s struggles for liberation.

mcc-online-course-what-does-solidarity-look-like-02About the facilitator:  Dr. Carla Sherrell has been a leader for educational equity and justice for over 30 years as a teacher, counselor, facilitator, and presenter. She was a facilitator for the Boulder Valley (Colorado) School District Equity Leadership Team, working with educators on personal and professional transformation that contributes to schools becoming supportive learning environments for all. Utilizing the National Coalition for Equity in Education (NCEE) adult equity model, she created and co-facilitated a student equity leadership program that guided youth in the process of becoming facilitators in equity work. Dr. Sherrell has presented and facilitated on equity and inclusivity at numerous regional and national conferences including the University of Colorado Educators-of-Color and Allies Summit, Colorado and Wyoming School-University Partnership for Educational Renewal, Colorado Association of School Executives, Salem Oregon School District, Catholic Charities of San Jose, CA, and the national conferences of NCEE and the National Association for Multicultural Education. She holds her doctor of education degree in Educational Leadership and Change with a focus on structural inequality and diversity, and is currently a core candidate assistant professor in the Graduate School of Psychology at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.