The “Adaptive Leadership” framework pioneered by Harvard’s Dr. Ronald Heifetz is more than a toolbox of tips. It will change the way you think about the internal and external components of leadership and equip you to lead through any change—welcome or unwelcome.
This on-demand webinar is from a presentation from the leadership track at the 2012 Ohio Meadville District Summer Institute with presenter Rev. Renee Ruchotzke, CERG Leadership Development Consultant.
Learn more about this on-demand webinar and how to register.
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UU Identity in the Classroom (Unitarian Universalist Association)
We’ll tap into the power of Tapestry of Faith as a tool for building and growing a sense of connection with our Unitarian Universalist history, principles and way of living.
Presenter: Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Theology for a Secular Age (Unitarian Universalist Association)
Today, theology stands at a crossroad. For centuries, theology has described how divine revelation accounts for our experience and dictates our actions. What happens to religion when reason, rather than revelation, becomes our most reliable source of knowledge? In a secular age, people who believe in science can be genuinely religious—if theology itself is transformed.
Presenter: Rev. Dr. Galen Guengerich, Senior Minister, All Souls in New York, NY
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Creating a Safe Religious Education Program (Unitarian Universalist Association)
A process for creating a safe congregation policy will be touched on, including new language to address disaster and trauma preparedness.
Led by Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant and Beth Casebolt, ACRE and District Administrator for the Ohio-Meadville District.
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
RE Volunteer Recruitment, Enrichment and Nurturing (Unitarian Universalist Association)
Finding the right volunteer for the job and providing ongoing training so that they feel competent and confident is an important piece of the recruitment puzzle. We’ll look at some strategies and tips for recruiting and equipping a 21st century volunteer.
Presenter: Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Shared Leadership in Religious Education (Unitarian Universalist Association)
This on demand class will offer guidance and resources on building healthy relationships, communication, shared leadership and shared responsibility, and working in covenant.
Presenter: Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Program Ideas for the Summer Months (Unitarian Universalist Association)
Summer religious education offers opportunities to experiment with new curriculum, make new friends, or try out a totally different RE idea. This on demand class will help you to gather ideas and tips for keeping the program going over the summer months in fun and exciting ways!
Presenter: Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Building and Sustaining an Adult RE Program (Unitarian Universalist Association)
Topics we will touch on include: a short introduction to faith development, models for adult faith development, 10 building blocks, and creating a plan.
Presenter: Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Planning Teacher Training and Orientation (Unitarian Universalist Association)
This webinar looks at sample agendas, suggested content, and ways to make important event fun and engaging day for all.
Led by Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or o
Building a Book Group Using the UUA’s “Common Read” (Unitarian Universalist Association)
Resources are provided including small group ministry style discussion guides. The common read for 2013-14 is “Behind the Kitchen Door” which addresses the working conditions and typically low wages of restaurant workers but this webinar will expand beyond this particular book to address the benefits of a shared reading venture as a faith development strategy.
Presenter: Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant
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