Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00024 LGBTQ 001 (MCC) Queer History (Metropolitan Community Church) 10/07/2019 - 11/11/2019 7:00 - 9:00 PM (Eastern time)
00025 SEXLY 001 (MCC) Sexuality Studies (Metropolitan Community Church) 01/06/2019 - 04/07/2019 .
00042 LGBTQ 002 (MCC) Trans 101: Trans Communities: Introduction & Application, Part 1 (Metropolitan Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00043 LGBTQ 003 (MCC) Trans 102: Trans Communities: Introduction & Application, Part 2 (Metropolitan Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00134 SCRIP 011 (QTH) Homosexuality & the Bible: My First Time (Queer Theology) On-Demand On-Demand
00135 THAPH 006 (QTH) Reading Queerly (Queer Theology) On-Demand On-Demand
00158 SOJUS 007 (MCC) What Does SOLIDARITY Look Like? (Metropolitan Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00159 SEXLY 004 (MCC) Who are we, Really? Re-engaging Sex and Spirit (Metropolitan Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00160 SEXLY 005 (MCC/UCC) BEYOND BINARIES: Welcoming the "B" in LGBT (United Church of Christ/Metropolitan Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00172 SOJUS 008 (UUA) Creating Welcoming Multicultural UU Communities (Unitarian Universalist Association) On-Demand On-Demand
00174 CYAYA 003 (CHN) Multicultural Ministry with Children (Unitarian Universalist Association) On-Demand On-Demand
00350 AAABS 003 (MCC) What Has Ferguson to do With Faith? (Metropolitan Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00380 LGBTQ 004 (UCCA) Celebrating Gender Diversity (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00487f SEXLY 007 (MCC) Sex, Bodies, Spirit (Metropolitan Community Churches) - Sacred, Not Secret (Part 3): Beyond the Norm (Kink/BDSM) On-Demand On-Demand
00487g SEXLY 008 (MCC) Sex, Bodies, Spirit (Metropolitan Community Churches) - Sacred, Not Secret (Part 4): Non-Monogamy On Demand On Demand
00487b SEXLY 007 (MCC) Sex, Bodies, Spirit - The Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 2) On-Demand On-Demand
00487 SEXLY 007 (MCC) Sex, Bodies, Spirit (Metropolitan Community Churches) 08/18/2016 - no set end date (third Thursday of each month) 3:00 to 4:00 PM (EST) / 7:00 – 8:00 pm (UTC)
00487a SEXLY 007 (MCC) Sex, Bodies, Spirit - The Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 1) On-Demand On-Demand
00487c SEXLY 007 (MCC) Sex, Bodies, Spirit - The Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 3) On-Demand On-Demand
00532 LGBTQ 007 (QTH) God, the Garden, and Gays: Homosexuality in Genesis (Queer Theology) On-Demand On-Demand
00559 LGBTQ 009 (UCC) ONA and the Bible (United Church of Christ) 06/26/2018 7:00PM - 8:30PM Eastern Time
00572 EDULE 020 (SPLC) Religious Freedom and LGBT Equality (Southern Poverty Law Center) On-Demand On-Demand
00609 LGBTQ 011 (TRNSI) Transfaith for Allies: An Introduction (Transfaith Institute) Self-paced Self-paced
00648 SCRIP 049 (MCC) Olhar queer sobre os Evangelhos Sinóticos (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches) 03/18/2018 - 06/08/2018