Name: Presbyterian Church USA
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Click each course for class syllabus, materials, course information, updates, and upcoming tests.

Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00252 SOJUS 020 (PCUSA) 1000 Days: Scaling Up Nutrition (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00248 SOJUS 016 (PCUSA) A Quest for Clean Clothes (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00187 SOJUS 009 (PCUSA) Adamah & Adam - Earthlings Building Food Justice (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00251 SOJUS 019 (PCUSA) Agroecology and/or Industrial Farming: The Future of Food (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00332 ADMIN 023 (PCUSA) Answering the Call to Health in 2016 (Board of Pensions - PCUSA) On Demand On Demand
00256 SOJUS 024 (PCUSA) Bioregional Food Covenant & Watershed Discipleship (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00243 SOJUS 011 (PCUSA) Café Justo, A Hopeful Supply Chain Story (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00254 SOJUS 022 (PCUSA) Churches and Camps: Food Growing & Greening Initiatives (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00250 SOJUS 018 (PCUSA) Creation Care: Basic Bible 101 (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00255 SOJUS 023 (PCUSA) Earth Care in Christian Education (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00246 SOJUS 014 (PCUSA) Extracting Life: Mining and its Lasting Impressions on the Environment & Communities (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00186 MKOTM 006 (PCUSA) Finding Your Mission Focus (Presbyterian Church USA) On-Demand On-Demand
00259 SOJUS 027 (PCUSA) Food and Fracking (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00258 SOJUS 026 (PCUSA) Global Perspectives on Land Grabbing (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00245 SOJUS 013 (PCUSA) God's Concern: A Biblical reflection on Hunger (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00253 SOJUS 021 (PCUSA) How to run a Fair Trade store/holiday sale in your church (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00333 ADMIN 024 (PCUSA) Increasing Employee Take-Home Pay - Using Section 125 Healthcare Dues-Only Plans On Demand On Demand
00184 CYAYA 004 (PCUSA) Leading Children and Youth in Mission (Presbyterian USA) On-Demand On-Demand
00249 SOJUS 017 (PCUSA) Liturgy and an Earth-Care Faith: A Showcase of Liturgical Best Practices (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00185 MKOTM 005 (PCUSA) Planning and Leading a Great Mission Trip (Presbyterian Church USA) On-Demand On-Demand
00595 ADMIN 054 (PCUSA) Presbyterian Churches and Solar Energy (Presbyterian Church ) On Demand On Demand
00247 SOJUS 015 (PCUSA) Presbyterian Energy Tithe Challenge: Faithful Caring for Church Resources (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00334 ADMIN 025 (PCUSA) Tax-Advantaged Plans - Using Section 125, 105 & 106 Plans (Board of Pensions - PCUSA) On Demand On Demand
00257 SOJUS 025 (PCUSA) Trade Simulation Game "Survive or Thrive" - Train the Trainer (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00244 SOJUS 012 (PCUSA) World Food Day Begins with Seed Sovereignty (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand