Name: The Episcopal Church
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Click each course for class syllabus, materials, course information, updates, and upcoming tests.

Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00497 WOMER 049 (TEC) Be Born in Us: Love of Neighbor in Advent (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00393 FUNDS 009 (TEC) Debt: What it is, its impact, & what to do with it (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00400 RELAS 008 (TEC) Engaging Science, Technology, & Faith (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00192 AAABS 001 (TEC) Fifty Years Later: The State of Racism in America (The Episcopal Church) On-Demand On-Demand
00391 ASIST 001 (TEC) Focus on Chinese Ministry (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00397 SOJUS 048 (TEC) Global Warming and Global Ministry (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00399 RELAS 007 (TEC) Holy Shift: Strategic Thinking for Congregations (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00398 EDULE 015 (TEC) Hybrid Faith Formation (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00396 ADMIN 037 (UCCA) Learning from the Small Church Way (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00392 LLAHS 001 (TEC) Reaching the American Born Latino (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00394 FUNDS 010 (TEC) Transformation by Capital Campaign (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00395 ADMIN 036 (UCCA) Vital Teams: Team Leadership Essentials (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00687 FUNDS 014 (TEC) Writing Grants for Faith-Based Organizations (The Episcopal Church On Demand On Demand