The book Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God (Orbis Books, 2015) was written by Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas (Episcopal priest and professor at Goucher College, Maryland) as one black mother’s response to the killing of Trayvon Martin and others. She goes back into the history of the United States and its colonial origins to demonstrate that white privilege and entitlement have been part of the American “DNA” since the inception of our republic.
After situating the current context historically, Douglas then offers some theological thoughts about how the Justice of God intersects with the treatment of black bodies. Her discussion is provocative yet measured; she is not a radical voice calling for anarchy or revolution in the streets, but rather a mother wondering if her son will return to her alive when he goes out for an evening with his friends.
This book group will be conducted in six installments and facilitated by Rev. Dr. Tom Bohache and Rev. Elder Diane Fisher on Tuesdays from 4 October through 8 November, 2016, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM US Eastern Time (8:00 – 9:30 PM UTC) in Adobe Connect.
Registration is limited to 15 and at a fee of $50 USD.
Click here to register. Continuing education credit applies for clergy, but this is open to all. The book is available at in both paperback and electronic formats.