Choosing to Love (Spirituality and Practice)

Source: Spirituality and Practice

This retreat is the last of three on the “Divine Virtues” based on videos of Br. David’s talks during a 2011 cruise to Alaska. The virtues are faith (Trusting in Life), hope (Engaging Hope), and love. These positive attitudes, which appear in all religious traditions and spiritual paths, connect us to the deepest reality of life, the divine spark within us.

The e-course consists of 12 emails, each with a link to a video of Br. David’s teachings about love from the Alaska cruise, accompanied by written reflections and study questions for your journaling.

This retreat was created by Patricia Campbell Carlson, Executive Director of A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L), assisted by Margaret Wakeley, ANG*L’s Community Development Coordinator. Both accompanied Br. David on the Alaska cruise and work closely with him on

Choose to live in love! To register, click on the “Subscribe to E-Course” button below.

(4 CEHs for Chaplains available.)

Learn more about this course and register on Spirituality and Practice

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