How to Deal with Difficult People with Peter Steinke (ChurchNext)

Source: ChurchNext

Dealing with difficult people, whether in at home or in a congregation, is something we all must do.

Understanding the issues at play are integral to properly handling the difficulties that routinely crop up in our home and work lives. In this class Peter introduces us to Bowen Family Systems Theory and the ways it is used to help us better get along with people.

Segments include:

  • What Is Systems Theory?
  • Maturity
  • Defining Yourself
  • Getting along with Difficult People
  • Creating Healthy Congregations

Dr. Peter L. Steinke is an internationally respected congregational systems consultant who has also served as a parish pastor, an educator, and a therapist for clergy. He is the author of several best-selling books including How Your Church Family Works and Healthy Congregations (see below)

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