Introducing Episcopal Worship with James Hamilton (ChurchNext)

Why does Sunday morning Episcopal worship look like it does? What’s happening? From the Processional Hymn to the Bible readings, the sermon, and Holy Communion – why do Episcopalians do what they do?

Source: ChurchNext

The Episcopal liturgy is rich in tradition and symbolism, but it can also be a bit overwhelming to a visitor unfamiliar with the service. Even those who attend Episcopal services may regularly forget the meaning and significance of the liturgy. For instance, why is the service structured the way it is? What’s the meaning of the various prayers? Why are there three readings? What is the purpose of the hymns? What is Communion all about?

The Reverend James Hamilton is Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan. His background in literature, art, and theatre enables him to explain the abundant meaning of Episcopal worship in accessible and inspiring ways.

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