"The Lord is my shepherd," "apple of my eye," '"my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" These are all quotes from the most widely read book in the world, the Book of Psalms. Musician and author Isaac Everett takes us through this fascinating book with humor and practical insight.

The book of Psalms may be the most widely read book in the world. And for good reason.
Musician and composer Isaac Everett argues that there is no more human book in the Bible than the Psalms, which means they have a way of touching us like no other. Everett has been immersed in the psalms for years, and has even written a psalter of his own.
In this class, Isaac gives us an overview of the Psalms by touching on these areas:
- Origins of the Psalms
- Themes of the Psalms
- Favorite Psalms
- How to Read the Psalms
This class is an insightful overview suitable for newcomers to the Psalms as well as for veterans who are looking for a solid refresher course.
Learn more about this course and register at ChurchNext
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