This course covers management best practices for leading a nonprofit organization. You will gain an understanding of the nonprofit sector and the issues that leaders face in this exciting and growing field. You will also be exposed to the major areas of responsibility for nonprofit leaders, including strategy, managing employees, fundraising, grant writing, board governance, and marketing and social media.
After completing this course, you’ll be able to:
- Discuss the purpose and structure of the nonprofit sector
- Describe the governance of nonprofits, including the types of boards and the relationship between boards and executive directors
- Explain how nonprofits establish their vision and strategic direction
- Describe the nonprofit leadership role and what it entails
- Discuss servant leadership
- Outline key ethical issues faced by nonprofits
- Discuss how nonprofits managers handle staff and volunteers
- Outline the key financial issues facing nonprofits
- Describe the key legal issues facing nonprofits
- Discuss the importance of marketing and communication for a nonprofit
- Explain the basics of nonprofit fundraising
- Outline the grant writing process
- Discuss the growing importance of social media for nonprofits
- Define and explain social entrepreneurship and social innovation
- Outline methods for assessing nonprofit performance
- Discuss trends impacting nonprofits now and in the future
This online course opens January 02, 2017 and you’ll have access to the course for 180 days.
Learn more about this online course from Duke University.
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