God is a gardener. So what better place to meet God than on God's own turf? So says author, spiritual director, and gardener Christine Sine. In this class she makes connections and offers deep insights into gardening and our experience of God.
Sun. Soil. Water. Perhaps it’s close communion with the elements of our earthly lives that gives many gardeners a deeper sense of God.
In this course, author of To Garden with God (see below), retreat leader, and gardener Christine Sine offers us dynamic insight into what the simple labor of a gardener has to do with the God who fashioned the first humans from the soil and made a home for them in a garden. Christine offers presentations on the following topics:
- God as a Gardener
- Digging and Watering
- Planting and Pruning
- The Rhythm of the Seasons
This course is perfect for those who are seeking deeper understanding and meaning to their work in the garden.
Learn more about this course and register at ChurchNext
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