The Enneagram for Contemporary Spiritual Practice (Metropolitan Community Churches)

Explore the ancient wisdom technology of the Enneagram…
This webinar will introduce the Enneagram’s affinity with the spiritual praxis of the Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers, as well as the early Christians who established proto-monastic communities devoted to following the wisdom path of Jesus. How might the Enneagram similarly be used for spiritual practice today?

Participants will be introduced to the nine “styles” of the Personality Enneagram – the nine ways in which each style obscures divine Presence and blocks prayer & mediation, as well as the nine gifts and holy perspectives each style offers the world. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.

No prerequisites necessary, though participants are encouraged to make a preliminary determination of their Enneagram style prior to attending. For resources, go to

Register for this on-demand webinar

Enneagram for Contemporary Spiritual Practice MCC Spiritual Online Webinar


Trent is an Enneagram Coach, ordained Dharma Leader in the Tibetan Buddhist lineage of Anam Thubten, and ordained MCC clergy. He works as a Chaplain Trainer at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, where he guides volunteer chaplains in the art of spiritual care. Check out Trent’s Enneagram website: