While many agencies providing services and supports recognize the right to religious freedom, they seldom include spirituality in individual planning. Nor do they often help people participate in the spiritual activities or religious communities of their choice and/or tradition. Individuals and their families also often face a mixed response from congregations, even though many congregations and faith networks have established model programs and strategies for including people with disabilities.
This webinar series from Collaborative on Faith and Disability explores these dynamics and include the following on-demand webinars:
- Including Spirituality in Assessment, Evaluation, and Person-Centered Planning Processes
- Creative Strategies by Provider and Service Organizations in Addressing Spiritual Needs and Choices
- Congregational Strategies for Reaching Out to Agencies and Working With Them to Identify and Honor Spiritual Supports and Enable Inclusion and Ongoing Participation
- Strategies for Congregations to Use in Building Awareness and Commitment Within Congregation
- Best Practices and Resources for Moving From Inclusion to Belonging as Contributing, Valued Members of Faith Communities
The mission of the Collaborative on Faith and Disability is to support people with disabilities, their families, and those who support them by providing national and international leadership in the areas of research, education, service, and dissemination related to disability, religion, and inclusive supports.
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