Understanding our children's spiritual journey can them grow up with a healthy and helpful faith, and give us a sense of confidence in ministering to children. In this class author and teacher Catherine Maresca gives us a basic understanding of the spiritual underpinnings of children 0-6 and 6-12 years old.
The spiritual lives of children are much different than those of adults, says author and teacher Catherine Maresca. She is the director of the Center for Children and Theology and says when we treat the religious journeys of our young ones in the wrong ways we can rob them of important experiences or, even worse, do great harm. This introductory course gives us a broad overview of the shape of spiritual development for 0-6 year olds and 6-12 year olds. Here’s how the class is laid out:
- The spiritual lives of 0-6 year olds and the quality of joy
- The spiritual lives of 0-6 year olds and the centrality of the essentials
- The spiritual lives of 6-12 year olds and the sense of communion
- The spiritual lives of 6-12 year olds and the moral life
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