MCC Weekly Lectionary Group


The Sunshine Cathedral in partnership with MCC Office of Formation and Leadership Development is pleased to invite you to participate in a weekly webinar Lectionary Discussion that will take place on Tuesdays from Noon to 12:30 PM (EST).

This project is an opportunity for those who preach/teach to engage in a focused weekly conversation about upcoming scripture texts in the Common Lectionary (and additional supportive texts). This is also an opportunity for collegiality/peer interaction.

The presenters includes: Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins, Rev. Elder Mona West, PhD., Rev. Dr. BK Hipsher, Rev. DeWayne Davis, Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos and Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin. Presenters will offer some insights or questions and then facilitate a group discussion for the remainder of the allotted time.

Thanks to the Office of Formation and Leadership Development, individuals can receive one hour of continuing education credit for every hour you participate in this free weekly lectionary webinar.

We invite you to join this webinar using one of these two methods:

1. To join us via Adobe Connect click Lectionary Discussion

2. To hear the presentation please call the conference center 1.218.936.4141 and enter ID Code# 778024 and join the call.

For more information about this opportunity please contact Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin at

There’s is also a closed Facebook group where the conversations about the lectionary continue.