Mind-body-spirit health and healing starts with you. When you make the choice for healing mind body and spirit, you reclaim your power and become an active participant in your healing process. In this on-demand webinar, Bonnie Duran (associate professor in the Department of Health Services, University of Washington School of Public Health and Director of the Center for Indigenous Health Research at the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute) provides you with a presentation on Indigenous Healing and how to use mindfulness as a tool of decolonizing views and empowerment.
Watch this free on-demand webinar
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Teaching for Social Justice (Council on Social Work Education)
This online course offers a combination of webinars and curriculum resources that explore how one can teach social justice in the areas of:
- Race, poverty, and ethnicity
- Disability
- Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression
- Feminism
Who should participate?
Educators teaching in the areas of diversity, human rights, and social justice – or people interested in these topics
What’s included?
Registration for this online class includes access to on-demand webinars from expert presenters, and high-quality teaching resources that can be downloaded to use in class. Registration is $75 for CSWE members and $100 for non-members.
Learn more about this online course and how to register
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Developing an Indigenous Policymaking Model to Address First Nations Health and Education Disparities (Girls Action Foundation)
The goal of this on-demand webinar is to get people to start thinking about how people can make policy/decisions in workplaces or organizations that can be alienating or ineffective in terms of addressing Indigenous needs.
Cassandra J. Opikokew Wajuntah led this webinar. She is from Canoe Lake Cree First Nation and was raised in Meadow Lake in northern Saskatchewan. She has a Certificate in Indian Communication Arts and a BA in Journalism (’09) from the U of Regina where she received the James M. Minifie Award for being the most distinguished graduate in her class. In 2012, she completed her Master’s of Public Administration where she focused on Aboriginal PSE and analyzed the Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP). She is now a 3rd year PhD candidate and was recently awarded a CIHR Award worth $108,000 to fund her doctoral research entitled The Indian Solution to the Policy Problem: Developing an Indigenous Policymaking Model to Address First Nations Health and Education Disparities. In addition to her studies, Cassandra has served as a board member with a number of organizations including YWCAs Canada and Regina, Planned Parenthood, Co-Chair of the FSIN Youth Council, Chairperson of the National Aboriginal Caucus (CFS), and founder/President of the U of R Indigenous Students’ Association. She is also the Associate Director of the Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre (IPHRC) in Regina, SK.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Dismantling White Supremacy (Auburn Seminary)
Learn why white Americans resist engaging or even acknowledging systemic racial injustice, and how to help them get past that and work to dismantle racist patterns and systems with this on-demand webinar led by Rev. J.C. Austin – Vice President for Christian Leadership Formation at Auburn Theological Seminary.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Native Peoples of North America (Great Courses)
The Great Courses has partnered with Smithsonian to bring you a course that will greatly expand your understanding of American history. This course, Native Peoples of North America, pairs the unmatched resources and expertise of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian with the unparalleled knowledge of Professor Daniel M. Cobb of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to provide a multidisciplinary view of American history, revealing new perspectives on the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples, and their significant impact on the history of our country. Professor Cobb brings his experience as an author and teacher to recount an absolutely fascinating, larger-than-life story across a timespan of more than 500 years.
This insightful and unique 24-lecture course is filled with images and rare artifacts from Smithsonian’s famed collections, and informed by fascinating insights from Smithsonian historians. The National Museum of the American Indian, headquartered on the National Mall and visited by millions of Americans every year, is dedicated to the life, languages, literature, history, and arts of the Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere. Museum input into this course—both in helping to shape the riveting curriculum as allowing use of their spectacular collections—has allowed The Great Courses to create a truly engaging course that will thoroughly change your understanding of American history.
Take this online course from Great Courses.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (United Church of Canada)
Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) is mentioned several times in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. What does it mean? How is it applied in Canada in relationship to resource development and First Nations, Metis, and Inuit? How does it relate to the Duty to Consult? Is it only ‘aspirational’? What are the issues that are arising? How can ‘settler peoples” stand in solidarity (e.g. responsible investment) with First Peoples in upholding FPIC?
John Dillon will provide an overview of the concept of FPIC, and together the presenters will explore the questions posed. Barbara Wilson, acting as moderator, will also speak to issues that Haida Nation and other BC First Nations are facing, particularly in respect to the Northern Gateway pipeline. Gkisedtanamoogk will bring the perspective of his Wanabaki people in relation to fracking in New Brunswick.
Register for this Christian on-demand webinar from United Church of Canada
NOTE: To view this course, click on the link above. Then click on the “Buy Now” button. On the following page click on “Checkout Now.” If the course has a cost you’ll be directed to pay via PayPal. If the course is free, it will take some time for the information to load after clicking on “Checkout Now” (up to a minute or so). When you see an order confirmation page, click on the link under “You may track the latest status of your order(s) here:” You’ll be taken to a new page. In the “Order Information” section look for “Download.” Click on the word “Download.” An Adobe PDF file about this webinar will download onto your computer. Open the PDF file where you’ll find the actual link to watch the free on-demand webinar. Adobe Connect is required to view the webinar.
Upcoming Webinars & Other Recordings
For the schedule of upcoming EDGE webinars, please check http://www.edge-ucc.ca/ webinars for more information. You can see our full listing of recorded webinars available for free and purchase at http://www.edge-ucc.ca/store.
If you have any problems accessing the webinar recording, please try the following:
- try opening the URL in a different web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) You may need to copy the link and paste it into the different browser.
- run this test to ensure your computer is running the necessary software to show the webinar:https://na1cps.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
We Are All Treaty People (United Church of Canada)
Two or more nations engage in treaty–making. The presenters will explore what it means to exercise the rights and responsibilities of being treaty people today.
The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996) said “by reconciliation we mean more than just giving effect to a treaty hunting right or securing the restoration of reserve land taken unfairly or illegally in the past. It means embracing the spirit and intent of the treaty relationship itself, a relationship of mutual trust and loyalty, as the framework for a vibrant and respectful new relationship between peoples.”
The Truth and Reconciliation Findings refer to Treaties in Calls to Action 10, 14, 18, 24, 27, 42, 45, 46iv, 57, 86, 92. Embracing treaties is a basic tenet of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which the TRC has recommended as a framework for reconciliation.
The presenters will help to consider some next steps for the church as people more fully embrace the spirit and intent of treaty relationship, and journey towards reconciliation.
Register for this Christian on-demand webinar from United Church of Canada
NOTE: To view this course, click on the link above. Then click on the “Buy Now” button. On the following page click on “Checkout Now.” If the course has a cost you’ll be directed to pay via PayPal. If the course is free, it will take some time for the information to load after clicking on “Checkout Now” (up to a minute or so). When you see an order confirmation page, click on the link under “You may track the latest status of your order(s) here:” You’ll be taken to a new page. In the “Order Information” section look for “Download.” Click on the word “Download.” An Adobe PDF file about this webinar will download onto your computer. Open the PDF file where you’ll find the actual link to watch the free on-demand webinar. Adobe Connect is required to view the webinar.
Upcoming Webinars & Other Recordings
For the schedule of upcoming EDGE webinars, please check http://www.edge-ucc.ca/ webinars for more information. You can see our full listing of recorded webinars available for free and purchase at http://www.edge-ucc.ca/store.
If you have any problems accessing the webinar recording, please try the following:
- try opening the URL in a different web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.) You may need to copy the link and paste it into the different browser.
- run this test to ensure your computer is running the necessary software to show the webinar:https://na1cps.adobeconnect.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Justice and Love in Action: Anti-racism Strategies for Preaching and Worship (Metropolitan Community Churches)
In view of ongoing unrest in the world, including but not limited to racialized violence in the U.S., as well as the distress many felt during and after the MCC General Conference, especially as it may have reflected the continuing power of white privilege/supremacy, misogyny, and U.S. domination/imperialism, the need to help clergy address racism in preaching and liturgy seems more acute than ever.
Utilizing presentations and discussion, this two-part webinar series began with the importance of self-reflection and awareness. Anti-racism resources and strategies utilized in MCC congregations were presented, along with how this work impacts pastors and the congregation. Participants gained skills for facilitating conversations about racism and white privilege. Specific resources were identified. These webinars were facilitated by Rev. Dr. Robin Gorsline and Rev. Dr. Elijah C. Nealy and can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
Watch Part 1 of Justice and Love in Action
Watch Part 2 of Justice and Love in Action
Global Warming and Global Ministry (The Episcopal Church)
In the year 2000 a Nobel Prize winning atmospheric chemist, Paul Crutzen, and a leading biologist, Eugene Stoermer, made a startling proposal. With the proliferation of the steam engine during the industrial revolution, human influence on Earth’s systems (climate, biodiversity, topsoil, etc.) had reached such an extent that the period of Earth’s history since the last ice age-the Holocene-had given way to “the Anthropocene,” the age of the human. For the Episcopal Church, what are the theological implications of ‘The Age of the Human’? What forms of humanity’s life-together as a global Anglican communion are already well adapted to an age of planetary uncertainty, instability, and risk? And to what new forms of ministry and mission are people being called? This presentation and discussion will be led by ECF Fellow, Rev. P. Joshua Griffin, doctoral candidate in anthropology at the University of Washington and priest associate at St. David of Wales, Portland, OR. Griff brings a unique perspective through his field work with Kivalina Episcopal Church (Diocese of Alaska), a village of 400 persons which is one of a dozen culturally distinct Native communities in the region now facing an existential threat from the impacts of global warming.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Multicultural Ministry with Children (Unitarian Universalist Association)
This webinar will offer food for thought for religious professionals wondering how to affirm the worth and dignity of families and individuals from marginalized groups as well as tips for assessing curriculum and other classroom resources for their multicultural sensibility.
Presented by Patricia Infante, CERG Faith Development Consultant with guest presenters.
Learn more about this course and register (free login/account required to view materials)