Why Evil Exists (Great Courses)



The “problem of evil” is one of the oldest and most fundamental concerns of human existence. Since ancient times, questions surrounding evil have preoccupied every major religion, as well as many of history’s greatest secular thinkers, from early philosophers to contemporary social theorists.

Whether we view it in theological, philosophical, or psychological terms, evil remains both a deeply intriguing question and a crucially relevant global issue.

In the online course – Why Evil Exists – award-winning Professor Charles Mathewes of the University of Virginia offers you a richly provocative and revealing encounter with the question of human evil—a dynamic inquiry into Western civilization’s greatest thinking and insight on this critical subject.

Covering nearly 5,000 years of human history and invoking the perspectives of many of the West’s most brilliant minds, Why Evil Exists probes intimately into how human beings have conceived of evil, grappled with it, and worked to oppose it.

With Professor Mathewes’s inspired guidance, you engage with how both individual thinkers and larger trends of thought have faced evil, studying the work of major theologians, philosophers, poets, political theorists, novelists, psychologists, and journalists. 36 lectures offer you the unique chance to approach the subject of evil through numerous lenses and to refine your view of this central question of human life, giving you a broad and deep resource for your own thought and action.

Learn more about this online course

Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.

How Jesus Became God (Great Courses)



The early Christian claim that Jesus of Nazareth was God completely changed the course of Western civilization. In fact, without the Christian declaration of Jesus as God, Western history as we know it would have never happened.

If Jesus had not been declared God, his followers would have remained a sect within Judaism, and the massive conversion of Gentiles, the Roman adoption of Christianity, and the subsequent unfolding of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and modernity would never have taken place. For that reason, the question of how Jesus became God is one of the most significant historical questions of Western civilization.

A distinguished scholar of Christianity and New York Times best-selling author, Professor Ehrman reveals that the theological understanding of Jesus as God came about through a complex series of factors and events, each of which must be understood in order to grasp this most extraordinary and historically pivotal story.

Learn more about this online course

Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.

Direitos Humanos: um compromisso de fé (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches)



Direitos Humanos: um compromisso de fé/Derechos Humanos: un compromise de fe/Human Rights: a commitment of faith



Third Cycle – Monday, October 1 to Friday, December 7

Tercer Ciclo – lunes 1 de octubre al viernes 7 de diciembre

Terceiro ciclo – segunda-feira, 1 de outubro a sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro




Idioma/Language: português – Portuguese

Prof. Dário Neto


Register/Registro/Registo: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-garner-inst-human-rights-a-commitment-of-faith-derechos-humanos-un-compromise-de-fe-direitos-registration-43846456933


Payments: each course have a cost of $30.00. With credit card you can pay on line. If there any problem with the payment on line, you can send the money to: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Also you can pay in three installments.

Brazilian students will pay to: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagos: cada curso tiene un costo de $ 30.00. Con tarjeta de crédito se puede pagar en línea. Si hay cualquier problema con el pago en línea, puede enviar el dinero para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

También se puede pagar en tres cuotas.

Estudiantes brasileños pagarán a: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagamentos: Cada curso custa R $ 30,00. Com cartão de crédito você pode pagar online. Se houver qualquer problema com o pagamento on-line, você pode enviar o dinheiro para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Você também pode pagar em três parcelas.

Estudantes brasileiros vão pagar: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Sincretismos nas origens cristãs (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches)



Sincretismos nas origens cristãs/Sincretismos en los orígenes cristianos/Syncretisms in Christian origins



Third Cycle – Monday, October 1 to Friday, December 7

Tercer Ciclo – lunes 1 de octubre al viernes 7 de diciembre

Terceiro ciclo – segunda-feira, 1 de outubro a sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro



Idioma/Language: português – Portuguese

Prof. Ana Claudia Figueroa


Register/Registro/Registo: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-garner-inst-syncretisms-in-christian-origins-sincretismos-en-los-origenes-cristianos-registration-43844631473


Payments: each course have a cost of $30.00. With credit card you can pay on line. If there any problem with the payment on line, you can send the money to: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Also you can pay in three installments.

Brazilian students will pay to: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagos: cada curso tiene un costo de $ 30.00. Con tarjeta de crédito se puede pagar en línea. Si hay cualquier problema con el pago en línea, puede enviar el dinero para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

También se puede pagar en tres cuotas.

Estudiantes brasileños pagarán a: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagamentos: Cada curso custa R $ 30,00. Com cartão de crédito você pode pagar online. Se houver qualquer problema com o pagamento on-line, você pode enviar o dinheiro para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Você também pode pagar em três parcelas.

Estudantes brasileiros vão pagar: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Introducción a la Teología Queer (Español) (Metropolitan Community Churches)



Introducción a la Teología Queer/Introdução à Teologia Queer/Introduction to Queer Theology



Second Cycle – Monday, June 18 to Friday August 31

Segundo Ciclo – lunes 18 de junio al viernes 31 de agosto

Segundo ciclo – Segunda-feira, 18 de junho a sexta-feira, 31 de agosto




Idioma/Language: español – Spanish

Prof. E. Francisco Danielsen Morales


Register/Registro/Registo: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-garner-inst-introduction-to-queer-theology-introduccion-a-la-teologia-queer-introducao-a-registration-43843385747


Payments: each course have a cost of $30.00. With credit card you can pay on line. If there any problem with the payment on line, you can send the money to: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Also you can pay in three installments.

Brazilian students will pay to: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagos: cada curso tiene un costo de $ 30.00. Con tarjeta de crédito se puede pagar en línea. Si hay cualquier problema con el pago en línea, puede enviar el dinero para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

También se puede pagar en tres cuotas.

Estudiantes brasileños pagarán a: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagamentos: Cada curso custa R $ 30,00. Com cartão de crédito você pode pagar online. Se houver qualquer problema com o pagamento on-line, você pode enviar o dinheiro para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Você também pode pagar em três parcelas.

Estudantes brasileiros vão pagar: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana (Español) (Metropolitan Community Churches)



Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana/História da Igreja Cristã/History of the Christian Church



Second Cycle – Monday, June 18 to Friday August 31

Segundo Ciclo – lunes 18 de junio al viernes 31 de agosto

Segundo ciclo – Segunda-feira, 18 de junho a sexta-feira, 31 de agosto




Idioma/Language: español – Spanish

Prof. Saúl Armendáriz


Register/Registro/Registo: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-garner-inst-history-of-the-christian-church-historia-de-la-iglesia-cristiana-historia-da-registration-43842624470


Payments: each course have a cost of $30.00. With credit card you can pay on line. If there any problem with the payment on line, you can send the money to: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Also you can pay in three installments.

Brazilian students will pay to: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagos: cada curso tiene un costo de $ 30.00. Con tarjeta de crédito se puede pagar en línea. Si hay cualquier problema con el pago en línea, puede enviar el dinero para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

También se puede pagar en tres cuotas.

Estudiantes brasileños pagarán a: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagamentos: Cada curso custa R $ 30,00. Com cartão de crédito você pode pagar online. Se houver qualquer problema com o pagamento on-line, você pode enviar o dinheiro para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Você também pode pagar em três parcelas.

Estudantes brasileiros vão pagar: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Deuteropaulinas e a cristandade emergente (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches)



Deuteropaulinas e a cristandade emergente/Deuteropaulinas y la cristiandad emergente/Emerging Christianity and the Deutero-Paulines



Second Cycle – Monday, June 18 to Friday August 31

Segundo Ciclo – lunes 18 de junio al viernes 31 de agosto

Segundo ciclo – Segunda-feira, 18 de junho a sexta-feira, 31 de agosto



Idioma/Language: português – Portuguese

Prof.Ana Claudia Figueroa


Register/Registro/Registo: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-garner-inst-emerging-christianity-and-the-deutero-paulines-deuteropaulinas-y-la-cristiandad-registration-43842345636


Payments: each course have a cost of $30.00. With credit card you can pay on line. If there any problem with the payment on line, you can send the money to: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Also you can pay in three installments.

Brazilian students will pay to: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagos: cada curso tiene un costo de $ 30.00. Con tarjeta de crédito se puede pagar en línea. Si hay cualquier problema con el pago en línea, puede enviar el dinero para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

También se puede pagar en tres cuotas.

Estudiantes brasileños pagarán a: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagamentos: Cada curso custa R $ 30,00. Com cartão de crédito você pode pagar online. Se houver qualquer problema com o pagamento on-line, você pode enviar o dinheiro para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Você também pode pagar em três parcelas.

Estudantes brasileiros vão pagar: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Introducción a la Teología (Español) (Metropolitan Community Churches)



Introducción a la Teología/Introdução à teologia/Introduction to Theology



Second Cycle – Monday, June 18 to Friday August 31

Segundo Ciclo – lunes 18 de junio al viernes 31 de agosto

Segundo ciclo – Segunda-feira, 18 de junho a sexta-feira, 31 de agosto




Idioma/Language: español – Spanish

Araceli Ezzatti


Register/Registro/Registo: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-garner-inst-introduction-to-theology-introduccion-a-la-teologia-introducao-a-teologia-registration-43841700707


Payments: each course have a cost of $30.00. With credit card you can pay on line. If there any problem with the payment on line, you can send the money to: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Also you can pay in three installments.

Brazilian students will pay to: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagos: cada curso tiene un costo de $ 30.00. Con tarjeta de crédito se puede pagar en línea. Si hay cualquier problema con el pago en línea, puede enviar el dinero para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

También se puede pagar en tres cuotas.

Estudiantes brasileños pagarán a: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Pagamentos: Cada curso custa R $ 30,00. Com cartão de crédito você pode pagar online. Se houver qualquer problema com o pagamento on-line, você pode enviar o dinheiro para: P.O. Box 50488 Sarasota, Florida 34232 USA

Você também pode pagar em três parcelas.

Estudantes brasileiros vão pagar: ASSOCIAÇÃO DA COMUNIDADE METROPOLITANA DO BRASIL – CNPJ 20.353.466/0001-88 Conta Bancária:Caixa Econômica Federal AG. 0240 op.003 Conta Corrente 1174-6

Faithful Dissent: Loving Our Way into a Brighter Tomorrow (ChurchNext)



We live in increasingly divisive times. From politics to sports, the gift of human difference can quickly become a chasm of serious discord and division. What does it mean for good Christians to disagree? How do we do so faithfully? Should Christians protest? How should they do so?

In this free online course, you can get answers from two prominent and in many ways, opposing camps. Social activist Ed Bacon believes Christians should be at the cutting edge of social protest. Ethicist Stanley Hauerwas believes Christians best shine their light by living faithful lives, as people distinct from the world. Their views come to light in these four video presentations:

  • Finding Christ in Conflict
  • The Nature of Dissent
  • Witness and Dissent
  • How We Dissent

This online course right will remain open and free through Monday, September 25 – that means you can take it for free anytime, 24/7, during that time period.

Register for this online course

Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.

Post-Everything (Church of the Brethren)

There are many ‘posts’: post-industrial, postmodern, post-colonial, post-ideological, postsecular, post-structural, post-denominational, etc.  This on-demand webinar offers an opportunity to reflect on some of these – what do they mean and what are the implications for discipleship, mission, and church?

This webinar is led by Stuart Murray Williams.  Williams is the author of the books, Post-Christendom and Church after Christendom, and the editor of the After Christendom series. He is Director of the Centre for Anabaptist Studies, Bristol Baptist College. Stuart is a trainer/consultant with the Anabaptist Network and a Coordinator of Urban Expression, UK.
Watch this on-demand webinar. (Adobe Connect is required to view this webinar).

Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.