This on-demand webinar will provide participants a step-by-step process in effective grant writing and techniques for creating a narrative budget. Participants will explore religious and secular funding sources for congregational programs. Sample grants will be provided at the participants’ request.
About the instructor: The Rev. Daniel Velez Rivera is passionate about establishing faith communities with and for all people. His vocational ministry includes integrating Latinos into the Episcopal Church, church planting, and redeveloping congregations. He is the Vicar of Saint Gabriel’s ~ San Gabriel Episcopal Church, a dual language (English-Spanish), multigenerational and multiethnic congregation in Leesburg, VA (Diocese of Virginia).
Learn more about this on-demand webinar
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Be Born in Us: Love of Neighbor in Advent (The Episcopal Church)

Source: ECF Vital Practices
Throughout the year, churches extend incarnational love to neighbors near and far through mission and outreach activities. Take time this Advent to meditate on the love at the heart of Christian social witness. This hour-long web retreat explored love as attention, love as justice, and love as imagination, to help churches love their neighbors in a way that transforms the world.
Presented by ECF Fellow the Rev. Ali Lutz, a doctoral student in Ethics and Society at Vanderbilt University’s Graduate Department of Religion.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Reaching the American Born Latino (The Episcopal Church)
This on demand webinar explores ministry opportunities for clergy not fully fluent in Spanish, but who have the call to minister in this cross-cultural, emerging mission field.
Learn more about this religious online webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Focus on Chinese Ministry (The Episcopal Church)
This on demand webinar, with presentations of Bishop, Rector, Chinese clergy and Chinese members of a brand new ministry, shares:
- the joys and struggles in ministry of the Li Tim-Oi Center (named for The Rev. Florence Li Tim-Oi, first woman priest in the Anglican Communion—1944) among Chinese immigrants,
- the difficulties and achievements in meeting the challenge for an historically “Anglo” church located in a rapidly changing neighborhood with increasing Chinese immigration,
- the collaborative endeavor to explore a creative way of doing new ministry under the guidance and leadership of Bishop, Rector, and bi-lingual Clergy,
- and all in all, the story of ups and downs in creating a new model for sustaining Episcopal Church ethnic ministry.
Presented by 2014 ECF Fellow, The Rev. Dr. Thomas Ni, Executive Director of Li Tim-Oi Center and Associate Priest for Chinese Ministry, Church of Our Saviour, San Gabriel, California.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from The Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Debt: What it is, its impact, & what to do with it (The Episcopal Church)
Learn how a Capital Campaign can raise resources for future mission and ministry while also retiring debt. Led by Erin Weber Johnson, ECF Consultant.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Transformation by Capital Campaign (The Episcopal Church)
A capital campaign done right, has significant transformational effects on a church community. The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) will share the secrets of conducting a capital campaign successfully, and how the process can have long lasting positive influences on stewardship, lay leadership, and focused vision. Led by Leslie Pendleton, Associate Program Director and Capital Campaign Consultant.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Vital Teams: Team Leadership Essentials (The Episcopal Church)
All congregations, regardless of size or budget, can receive highly effective team leadership training tailored to their specific situation.
This on demand webinar provide participants a glimpse of the Vital Teams 101 training curriculum, including a discussion of three areas that good teams are constantly balancing effectively: relationships, process, and results.
Relationships: How to build relationships through spiritual practices, communications styles, retreats/fellowship, in family-sized vs program sized congregations
Process: How to run a good meeting, building the agenda, consensus decision making, and facilitating conversation in meetings
Results: How to effectively create goals, accountability, and ideas for feedback
Presented by Ronald C. Byrd, Lead Consultant for Vital Teams, Episcopal Church Foundation.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Learning from the Small Church Way (The Episcopal Church)
Standard procedures for churches – from stewardship to Christian formation, music to newcomer strategies – frequently assume that “one size fits all”. Too often, small churches are perceived as ‘out of step’ or not quite living up to where they should be. In this webinar, Kay Collier McLaughlin, author of the new book Big Lessons From Little Places (Church Publishing), explores the leadership and financial lessons that the wider Church can gain from our many small churches. Dr. Kay Collier McLaughlin is the Bishop’s Deputy for Communications and Leadership Development for the Diocese of Lexington.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Global Warming and Global Ministry (The Episcopal Church)
In the year 2000 a Nobel Prize winning atmospheric chemist, Paul Crutzen, and a leading biologist, Eugene Stoermer, made a startling proposal. With the proliferation of the steam engine during the industrial revolution, human influence on Earth’s systems (climate, biodiversity, topsoil, etc.) had reached such an extent that the period of Earth’s history since the last ice age-the Holocene-had given way to “the Anthropocene,” the age of the human. For the Episcopal Church, what are the theological implications of ‘The Age of the Human’? What forms of humanity’s life-together as a global Anglican communion are already well adapted to an age of planetary uncertainty, instability, and risk? And to what new forms of ministry and mission are people being called? This presentation and discussion will be led by ECF Fellow, Rev. P. Joshua Griffin, doctoral candidate in anthropology at the University of Washington and priest associate at St. David of Wales, Portland, OR. Griff brings a unique perspective through his field work with Kivalina Episcopal Church (Diocese of Alaska), a village of 400 persons which is one of a dozen culturally distinct Native communities in the region now facing an existential threat from the impacts of global warming.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.
Disclaimer: Sacred Space Online Learning (SSOL) seeks to provide individuals with information about religious, spiritual, or faith-based online resources from a variety of sources. Sacred Space Online Learning does NOT claim ownership over this online course or online offering. Sacred Space Online Learning is also NOT responsible for the accuracy of the materials, the content, the way they are advertised or taught, or the costs associated with this online course or offering. The views and opinions expressed in this online course or offering are those of the creators and/or the persons appearing in the online class or offering. They do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of SSOL, the OFLD, or MCC. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the creator(s) of the given online course or online offering.
Hybrid Faith Formation (The Episcopal Church)
The Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary has been coaching cohorts of parish leaders in what we’re calling “hybrid faith formation,” models that gather participants for periodic/seasonal in-person gatherings and supplement with leader-facilitated small group learning via connection to a social media “hub.” This webinar lets viewers hear about the project and learn how to start supporting hybrid faith formation in their congregation. Presented by Kyle Matthew Oliver, Digital Missioner and Learning Lab Coordinator in the Center for the Ministry of Teaching.
Learn more about this online religious webinar from the Episcopal Church.