This on-demand webinar explores questions about how the closing of the US border might affect those in MCC communities. Special guests discussed concerns regarding refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in the U.S.
Sex, Bodies, Spirit – The Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 1)
This is part of an ongoing informational and discussion series by Metropolitan Community Churches that advance this topic among clergy and churches from any denomination. All are invited to attend!
Rev. Dr. Robin Gorsline and Malachi Grennell are the authors of an exciting blog about sex, bodies, and spirit (, and they are bringing their passion and expertise to a monthly gathering on Adobe Connect that will address issues of sex and spirit, in order to further advance this concern and educate all of us around the ongoing need for our churches.
Watch the Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 1)
Sex, Bodies, Spirit – The Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 3)
This is part of an ongoing informational and discussion series by Metropolitan Community Churches that advance this topic among clergy and churches from any denomination. All are invited to attend!
Rev. Dr. Robin Gorsline and Malachi Grennell are the authors of an exciting blog about sex, bodies, and spirit (, and they are bringing their passion and expertise to a monthly gathering on Adobe Connect that will address issues of sex and spirit, in order to further advance this concern and educate all of us around the ongoing need for our churches.
Watch the Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christian Part 3
Sex, Bodies, Spirit – The Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 2)
This is part of an ongoing informational and discussion series by Metropolitan Community Churches that advance this topic among clergy and churches from any denomination. All are invited to attend!
Rev. Dr. Robin Gorsline and Malachi Grennell are the authors of an exciting blog about sex, bodies, and spirit (, and they are bringing their passion and expertise to a monthly gathering on Adobe Connect that will address issues of sex and spirit, in order to further advance this concern and educate all of us around the ongoing need for our churches.
Watch the Roots of Sex Negativity in Western Christianity (part 2)
Justice and Love in Action: Anti-racism Strategies for Preaching and Worship (Metropolitan Community Churches)
In view of ongoing unrest in the world, including but not limited to racialized violence in the U.S., as well as the distress many felt during and after the MCC General Conference, especially as it may have reflected the continuing power of white privilege/supremacy, misogyny, and U.S. domination/imperialism, the need to help clergy address racism in preaching and liturgy seems more acute than ever.
Utilizing presentations and discussion, this two-part webinar series began with the importance of self-reflection and awareness. Anti-racism resources and strategies utilized in MCC congregations were presented, along with how this work impacts pastors and the congregation. Participants gained skills for facilitating conversations about racism and white privilege. Specific resources were identified. These webinars were facilitated by Rev. Dr. Robin Gorsline and Rev. Dr. Elijah C. Nealy and can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
Watch Part 1 of Justice and Love in Action
Watch Part 2 of Justice and Love in Action
Mentoring Matters for MCC (Metropolitan Community Churches)
Many, many of us have been fortunate enough as leaders to have good mentors along the way, those more experienced people who have supported, guided, counseled, encouraged, and challenged us to stretch and grow.
This webinar lead by Rev. Lisa Heilig understands that mentoring can happen in a variety of settings and in a number of ways. The commonality is that mentoring is about relationships.
If you want to learn more about mentoring, feel like you may be called to be a mentor, or you want to enhance the mentoring you already do, please join Lisa for this two-part series by clicking on the links below:
Mentoring Matters for MCC Webinar, part 1
Mentoring Matters for MCC Webinar, part 2
MCC Emerging Church Training – Part 1 in Four Modules (Metropolitan Community Churches)
Goals of the Training Program:
- Orientation to MCC and the Emerging Church Program
- Tools to create diverse and inclusive MCC churches
- Build organizational skills directly related to not-for- profit formation
- Learn how to inspire and empower small groups and volunteers
- Increase personal awareness as a ministry leader
- Form a Proposal or Action Plan for a specific Emerging Church
- Build a cohort of colleagues engaged in MCC Emerging Church Development
Part 1 will focus on Goals 1-4
Training Program Format:
The Emerging Churches Training program is offered in two parts, four (4) modules for each part, designed as a collaborative experience with synchronous and asynchronous learning activities and specific tasks to equip the Church Developer. The hybrid presents modes of engagement to meet various learning styles.
Part 1, is an On Demand self-guided mixture of online readings, videos, toolkits and reflection questions. After each of the four (4) modules, participants are offered a syncronous touch point.
Part 2 adds webinars and cohort conversations to the readings, videos, and toolkits, Those who complete Part 1 are eligible to enroll in Part 2.
Part One
Four modules with video, readings, toolkit and reflection questions for each module that is engaged On Demand at the participants pace. This is an asynchronous approach that allows for consultation following each module.
- Orientation to MCC in the 21st Century – In this session, participants with, or without, previous MCC experiences can engage materials and reflect upon what ministry, mission, community, and church may mean as the 21stcentury unfolds
- Introduction to the MCC Emerging Church Models – The landscape of new church development includes multiple models and in this session many methods and models are discussed including options for MCC Emerging Churches.
- Building through Diversity – Intersections of race, orientation, gender identity, class, ability, theology, culture, and language all form a unique community of faith. These intersections affect each community and are building blocks for an effective MCC Emerging Church.
- Core Team and Small Group formation – exploring dynamics and leadership skills to form a Core Team and then Small Groups in order to create a new church.
Cost for Part 1 is $40. Click here to register. After payment has been made you’ll be able to view all materials.
Module 1 – Orientation
Readings (PDF on Google Drive)
- Welcome to MCC
- Strategic Plan Brochure
- MCC Statement of Faith Full Report
- Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson – LMR Lecture 2014
- A church visit Epiphany
- What does it take to be an MCC church developer
- Modern vandalism of an MCC, August, GA, USA
- MCC in the 21st century – Video by Rev. Rachelle Brown
Optional: Movie “Call Me Troy” download in English and with Spanish subtitles
Assignment – Submit Module 1 Reflection Questions document (Word doc in Google Drive)
Module 2 Intro to MCC Emerging Church Program
Readings (Available on Google Drive)
- MCC Emerging Church Process Folder
- Emerging Church Development Guide
- Glossary
- Modern Church Movements
- Modern Church Movements & MCC (PowerPoint)
- Dear Church – Article
- Churches Could Fill Their Pews – Article
- Modern Church Movements Select Bibliography
Toolkit (Review – download for future referrals)
- MCC Emerging Church Process Folder
- Emerging Church Development Guide
- Glossary
- Partnership Covenant
Video (Available on Google Drive)
Module 2 Models – Video by Rev. Rachelle Brown
Assignment – Submit Module 2 Reflection Questions document (Word doc in Google Drive)
Module 3 – Diversity
Readings (Available on Google Drive)
- Multicultural Readings Folder
- Diversity and Inclusion Working Definitions
- 3 things you might not have considered about Multiculturalism
- Doehring – Introduction
- Post Colonial Theology Folder
- Postcolonialism.Kwok
- Cheng -Rainbow Theology Ch 6-7
- Postcolonialsm and Liberation
Toolkits for Ministry (Review – download for future referrals)
- Be Inclusive – Gender Identity
- Be Inclusive – Language Training
- Be Inclusive – One Sheet Handouts
Video (Available on Google Drive)
Module 3 – Diversity and Inclusion – Video by Rev. Rachelle Brown
Assignment – Submit Module 3 Reflection Questions document (Word doc in Google Drive)
Module 4 – Core Team and Small Group Formation
Readings (Available on Google Drive) Module 4
- Core Team Formation Folder
- 7 proven insights for Leading Volunteers – Article
- Innovate – Leadership Article
- Moving from Leadership 1-0 to 2-0
- 7 tips for planting a New community – Marketing article
- Chapters – Expotential by Ferguson
- MCC Confidentiality Agreeement
- Small Group and Ministry Team Formation Folder
- Guidelines for Dialogue
- Introduction to Ministries and Teams development
- Welcome Team Formation
- Sample – Thank you for attending – template
Toolkits – Small Group Resources (Review – download for future referrals)
Films and Books
Holy Conversation Series
Video (Available on Google Drive)
Module 4 – Core Team and Small Groups – Video by Rev. Rachelle Brown
Assignment – Submit Module 4 Reflection Questions document (Word doc in Google Drive)
The Enneagram for Contemporary Spiritual Practice (Metropolitan Community Churches)
Explore the ancient wisdom technology of the Enneagram…
This webinar will introduce the Enneagram’s affinity with the spiritual praxis of the Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers, as well as the early Christians who established proto-monastic communities devoted to following the wisdom path of Jesus. How might the Enneagram similarly be used for spiritual practice today?
Participants will be introduced to the nine “styles” of the Personality Enneagram – the nine ways in which each style obscures divine Presence and blocks prayer & mediation, as well as the nine gifts and holy perspectives each style offers the world. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.
No prerequisites necessary, though participants are encouraged to make a preliminary determination of their Enneagram style prior to attending. For resources, go to
Register for this on-demand webinar
Trent is an Enneagram Coach, ordained Dharma Leader in the Tibetan Buddhist lineage of Anam Thubten, and ordained MCC clergy. He works as a Chaplain Trainer at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, where he guides volunteer chaplains in the art of spiritual care. Check out Trent’s Enneagram website:
What Has Ferguson to do With Faith? (Metropolitan Community Churches)
What Has Ferguson to do With Faith?
Developing Queer Theological Solidarity with Black Lives Matter
This webinar presented a multi-modal approach to showing solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and transgender people of color using sermons, letters, prayers, and litanies as well as petitions and bible/book studies that reinforce prophetic social action in the streets. Participants were invited to look at the potential ways that social action and public protest can be integrated into their current spiritual disciplines to raise consciousness about the black body.
Lead by:
Rev. DeWayne L. Davis
Kareem D. Murphy
Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin
Watch this free on-demand video now!
Rev. DeWayne L. Davis, Senior Pastor of All God’s Children Metropolitan Community Church, is a cleric ordained in the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) with expertise in social justice analysis, advocacy, and organizing. He serves on the MCC Global Justice Institute’s Public Policy Team, representing the denomination’s public policy advocacy initiatives at the state and federal level. He previously served as Assistant Project Manager of MCC’s 25th General Conference worship team in 2013 and as the Program Coordinator for MCC’s 2011 People of African Descent (PAD) Conference, designing and organizing workshops and continuing education opportunities for lay and clergy. Rev. Davis previously served as the Domestic Policy Analyst in The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations where he represented before the U.S. Congress and the Executive Office of the President the domestic social policies established by the Episcopal Church’s General Convention and Executive Council.
Rev. Davis’s career as a Congressional aide and government affairs representative preceded his studies for professional ministry, to which he was ordained in 2012. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy from Howard University and an M.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland at College Park. Rev. Davis received his Master of Divinity degree with honors from the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. He has more recently been appointed to serve on the Advisory Committee of the Kaleo Center at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities and on the Board of Directors of Clare Housing.
Rev. Davis currently lives in Minneapolis with his husband of twenty-four years, Kareem.
In order to see video of the presentation on the following webinars, attendees will need access to a computer and a fast internet connection. Some webinars will use audio through Adobe and others will utilize a telephone conference line. Participants will be sent log-in information prior to each event, which will include instructions about audio/video requirements. Please take a moment to Download & Review Instructions on using Adobe Connect, and on the conversation protocol that we will be using for audio interaction.
MCC Supervising Clergy Training (Metropolitan Community Churches)
This training, facilitated by Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos, reviews the process of preparing for ordination in MCC, and the nuts & bolts of effective supervision. This will include a segment on supervising interns from a distance. This training in suitable for all clergy who have not yet been trained or served as supervisors, as well as anyone who wants a refresher. This webinar is FREE.
Watch this MCC On Demand webinar.