Name: Upper Room
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Click each course for class syllabus, materials, course information, updates, and upcoming tests.

Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00673 SPRTY 050 (UPPER) Celtic Blessings (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00607 FUNDS 013 (UPPER) Facing Financial Struggle (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00675 WOMER 064 (UPPER) For Sabbath's Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00676 CCGSC 025 (UPPER) Freedom From Worry (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00674 CCGSC 024 (UPPER) Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00605 WOMER 060 (UPPER) Praying with Protestant Prayer Beads (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00604 SPRTY 046 (UPPER) Questions God Asks Us (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00608 SPRTY 048 (UPPER) The Cycle of Grace: Living in Sacred Balance (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced