Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00412 WOMER 030 (CHN) Introducing Christian Baptism with Anne Kitch (ChurchNext) Self-paced Self-paced
00413 WOMER 031 (CHN) Preparing for Infant and Children's Baptism in the Episcopal Church with Anne Kitch (ChurchNext) Self-paced Self-paced
00414 WOMER 032 (CHN) Adult Baptism in the Episcopal Church (ChurchNext) Self-paced Self-paced
00415 WOMER 033 (CHN) Introducing Episcopal Worship with James Hamilton (ChurchNext) Self-paced Self-paced
00416 WOMER 034 (CHN) Introducing Lutheran Worship with Don Kreiss (ChurchNext) Self-paced Self-paced
00417 WOMER 035 (CHN) Holy Communion 101 with James Hamilton (ChurchNext) Self-paced Self-paced
00422 ADMAL 003 (TGRC) The Great Works of Sacred Music (The Great Courses) On Demand On Demand
00423 WOMER 040 (RJDM) Torah Alive: Israel and Worship - Rendezvous with History (Reform Judaism) On-Demand On-Demand
00425 WOMER 042 (PRC) Quick & Dirty Intro to Live Streaming Worship (Practical Resources for Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00426 WOMER 043 (PRC) How to Make Your Worship Service More Engaging for All Ages (Practical Resources for Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00427 WOMER 044 (PRC) Worship Can Be Meaningful for All the Generations (Practical Resources for Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00428 WOMER 045 (PRC) Close Encounters of the Worshipful Kind: Ways to E-value-ate Your Worship (Practical Resources for Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00446 RELAS 012 (UCCA) When ‘Spiritual but Not Religious’ is Not Enough (United Church of Canada) On-Demand On-Demand
00447 MKOTM 009 (UCCA) Evangelistic Preaching in a Tongue-Tied Church (United Church of Canada) On-Demand On-Demand
00464 WOMER 046 (UCCA) Journeying With a Prophet (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00468 THAPH 024 (UCCA) Grace in the Trinity (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00474 WOMER 047 (UCCA) Preaching in the Inventive Age (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00475 WOMER 048 (UCCA) Rites of Passage & 21st Century Community (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00477 SPRTY 040 (UCCA) Living the Dream, Baby! (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00497 WOMER 049 (TEC) Be Born in Us: Love of Neighbor in Advent (The Episcopal Church) On Demand On Demand
00498 WOMER 050 (WDS) God Bless Us Everyone: The Redemption of Scrooge (Worship Design Studio) Self-paced Self-paced
00499 CYAYA 008 (UMC) Planning for Advent for Children (United Methodist Church)
00505 CYAYA 010 (PRC) Using Advent and Christmas Symbols in Sunday School (Practical Resources for Churches) On Demand On Demand
00506 ADOAD 003 (UMC) Seasons: The Liturgical Year Opportunities for Older Adult Ministry (United Methodist Church) On Demand On Demand
00533 SOJUS 055 (RJDM) Torah Alive: Social Justice and the High Holy Days (Reform Judaism) On-Demand On-Demand