Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00048 SCRIP 008 (CHN) Introduction to Revelation with Wayne Whitney (ChurchNext) Self-paced course
00049 SCRIP 009 (CHN) Introduction to St. Paul with George Guthrie (ChurchNext) Self-paced course
00045 "SCRIP 005 (CHN) " Introduction to the Bible with Marek Zabriskie (ChurchNext) Self-paced course
00191 SCRIP 018 (YLUN) Introduction to the New Testament History and Literature (Yale University) On-Demand On-Demand
00190 SCRIP 017 (YLUN) Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) (Yale University) On-Demand On-Demand
00465 CMGDO 020 (UCCA) Introduction to Vision Days (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00535 SOJUS 056 (RJDM) Jewish Perspectives on Food Justice (Reform Judaism) On-Demand On-Demand
00464 WOMER 046 (UCCA) Journeying With a Prophet (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00661 SCRIP 051 (MCC) Judite, Ester e Rute (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches) 10/01/2018 - 12/07/2018
00486 SOJUS 050 (MCC) Justice and Love in Action: Anti-racism Strategies for Preaching and Worship (Metropolitan Community Churches) On Demand On Demand
00262 SOJUS 030 (FTI) Kids Exposed to Domestic Violence: How Can Faith Leaders Respond? (Faith Trust Institute) On Demand On Demand
00540 ADOAD 004 (UMC) Leading Adult Spiritual Life Retreats (United Methodist Church) On-Demand On-Demand
00184 CYAYA 004 (PCUSA) Leading Children and Youth in Mission (Presbyterian USA) On-Demand On-Demand
00480 MKOTM 015 (UCCA) Leading Compelling Missional Communities (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00683 WOMER 066 (BDIS) Leading Public Prayer for Lay Leaders (Be a Disciple) 06/04/2018 - 06/18/2018
00291 WOMER 021 (WDS) Lent Webinar 2016 with Marcia McFee (Worship Design Studio) On Demand On Demand
00050 SCRIP 010 (CHN) Let the Women Speak! with Lindsay Hardin Freeman (ChurchNext) Self-paced course
00571 EDULE 019 (SPLC) Let’s Talk! Discussing Black Lives Matter With Students (Southern Poverty Law Center) On-Demand On-Demand
00570 EDULE 018 (SPLC) Let’s Talk! Discussing Whiteness (Southern Poverty Law Center) On-Demand On-Demand
00585 CYAYA 013 (SDI) Listening to Children with a Spiritual Director’s Heart (Spiritual Directors International) On Demand On Demand
CMGDO 023 (UCCA) 00478 Listening to the Echo (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00655 WOMER 062 (MCC) Liturgias queer para novos tempos (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches) 06/18/2018 - 08/31/2018
00249 SOJUS 017 (PCUSA) Liturgy and an Earth-Care Faith: A Showcase of Liturgical Best Practices (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00477 SPRTY 040 (UCCA) Living the Dream, Baby! (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00112 WOMER 004 (SPAP) Living the Hours (Spirituality and Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00004 MKOTM 001 (UCCA) Marketing 101 for Non-Profits (United Church of Canada) On-Demand On-Demand
00140 SPRTY 024 (SPAP) Mastering the Art of Resilience (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00443 ADMIN 041 (MCC) MCC Emerging Church Training - Part 1 in Four Modules On Demand On Demand
00567 SOJUS 058 (MCC) MCC Refugees and Immigration (Metropolitian Community Churches) On-Demand On-Demand
00226 WOMER 016 (RJDM) Meanings and Melodies of Hanukkah On Demand On Demand
00680 WOMER 065 (SDI) Meditation and Mindfulness for Everyone (Spiritual Directors International) On Demand On Demand
00010 WOMER 009 (UNC) Meditation Practices (Unity Church) 04/16/2018 (start date)
00600 CCGCS 004 (SDI) Men, Grief, and Solitude (Spiritual Directors International) On-Demand On-Demand
00484 CCGSC 014 (MCC) Mentoring Matters for MCC (Metropolitan Community Churches) On Demand On Demand
00383 SOJUS 047 (UCCA) Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00384 ADMIN 032 (UCCA) Mission, Moulting, and Midwives (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00651 ADMIN 059 (MCC) Modelos de Liderazgo en la Biblia (Español) (Metropolitan Community Churches) 06/18/2018 - 08/31/2018
00406 WOMER 026 (UCCA) Multi-Site Ministry (United Church of Canada) On-Demand On-Demand
00618 DIABS 008 (AAIDD) Musical Engagement in Language Impairment, Autism, and Williams Syndrome (American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) On Demand On Demand
00494 RELAS 017 (CDFU) Muslims in Britain: Changes and Challenges (Cardiff University) TBD
00471 SPRTY 039 (UCCA) Naked Spirituality (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00639 NHPIS 002 (NIWRC) Namelehuapono: Using Hawaiian Culture as a Pathway to Healing from Domestic and Sexual Violence (NIWRC) On Demand On Demand
00545 SCRIP 044 (GTCS) New Testament (Great Courses) Self-paced Self-paced
00546 SCRIP 045 (GTCS) Old Testament (Great Courses) Self-paced Self-paced
00648 SCRIP 049 (MCC) Olhar queer sobre os Evangelhos Sinóticos (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches) 03/18/2018 - 06/08/2018
00559 LGBTQ 009 (UCC) ONA and the Bible (United Church of Christ) 06/26/2018 7:00PM - 8:30PM Eastern Time
00013 RELAS 002 (UCC) Our Faith Our Vote (United Church of Christ) On-Demand On-Demand
00104 ADMAL 001 (SPAP) Photography as a Spiritual Path (Spirituality and Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00472 ADMIN 045 (UCCA) Pioneering Leadership (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00185 MKOTM 005 (PCUSA) Planning and Leading a Great Mission Trip (Presbyterian Church USA) On-Demand On-Demand