SSOL Materials for Evangelism (Outreach) Ministers or Directors of Evangelism (Outreach)
Evangelism (Outreach) Ministers or Directors of Evangelism (Outreach) may find these offerings regarding Marketing, Outreach & Missions; Religion and Society; Scriptures; and Social Justice Studies of particular interest (please see a table displaying these particular online offerings below).
They may also be interested in the various categories of learning that focus on individuals of different races, cultures, sexual orientation, and gender. Visit our SSOL Categories of Learning page for more!
Evangelism (Outreach) Minister or Director of Evangelism (Outreach) are responsible to champion the value of evangelism and/or outreach in the congregation. They develop programs and ministries to challenge the congregation to grow in these areas of their spiritual lives. They also develop relationships with outside agencies or programs to provide outreach opportunities for the congregation. They are responsible for recruiting, training, equipping and development of leaders and volunteers working in the ministry.