Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
00174 CYAYA 003 (CHN) Multicultural Ministry with Children (Unitarian Universalist Association) On-Demand On-Demand
00494 RELAS 017 (CDFU) Muslims in Britain: Changes and Challenges (Cardiff University) TBD
00471 SPRTY 039 (UCCA) Naked Spirituality (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00639 NHPIS 002 (NIWRC) Namelehuapono: Using Hawaiian Culture as a Pathway to Healing from Domestic and Sexual Violence (NIWRC) On Demand On Demand
00545 SCRIP 044 (GTCS) New Testament (Great Courses) Self-paced Self-paced
00546 SCRIP 045 (GTCS) Old Testament (Great Courses) Self-paced Self-paced
00648 SCRIP 049 (MCC) Olhar queer sobre os Evangelhos Sinóticos (Português) (Metropolitan Community Churches) 03/18/2018 - 06/08/2018
00559 LGBTQ 009 (UCC) ONA and the Bible (United Church of Christ) 06/26/2018 7:00PM - 8:30PM Eastern Time
00013 RELAS 002 (UCC) Our Faith Our Vote (United Church of Christ) On-Demand On-Demand
00104 ADMAL 001 (SPAP) Photography as a Spiritual Path (Spirituality and Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00472 ADMIN 045 (UCCA) Pioneering Leadership (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00185 MKOTM 005 (PCUSA) Planning and Leading a Great Mission Trip (Presbyterian Church USA) On-Demand On-Demand
00499 CYAYA 008 (UMC) Planning for Advent for Children (United Methodist Church)
00282 EDULE 009 (UUA) Planning Teacher Training and Orientation (Unitarian Universalist Association) On Demand On Demand
00473 MKOTM 014 (UCCA) Post-Christendom Mission (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00594 THAPH 032 (COTB) Post-Everything (Church of the Brethren) On Demand On Demand
00452 SOJUS 052 (UCCA) Poverty in Canada: 4 Stories (United Church of Canada) On-Demand On-Demand
00606 SPRTY 047 (UPPER) Practicing Compassion (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00118 SPRTY 013 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality at Work (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00342 SPRTY 035 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality in Nature (Spirituality and Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00343 SPRTY 036 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Animals (Spirituality and Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00123 SPRTY 016 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Brian McLaren (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00119 CYAYA 003 (CHN) Practicing Spirituality with Children (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00125 SPRTY 018 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Henri J. M. Nouwen (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00121 SPRTY 014 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00127 SPRTY 020 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Jesus (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00122 SPRTY 015 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Joan Chittister (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00120 FUNDS 005 (CHN) Practicing Spirituality with Money (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00117 NAFNI 001 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Native Americans (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00126 SPRTY 019 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Rumi (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00124 SPRTY 017 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with Sharon Salzberg (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00601 PEARS 003 (CEDIN) Practicing Spirituality with the Peacemakers (Charter for Compassion Education Institute) Self-paced Self-paced
00116 SPRTY 012 (SPAP) Practicing Spirituality with the World's Religions (Spirituality & Practice) On-Demand On-Demand
00502 CMGDO 016 (SDI) Practicing the Sacred Art of Conversation (Spiritual Directors International) On Demand On Demand
00674 CCGSC 024 (UPPER) Prayer, Stress, and Our Inner Wounds (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00605 WOMER 060 (UPPER) Praying with Protestant Prayer Beads (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00474 WOMER 047 (UCCA) Preaching in the Inventive Age (United Church of Canada) On Demand On Demand
00301 SPRTY 034 (CHMYR) Preparation for Lent: Jesus’ Wilderness Temptations as ‘Vision Quest’ (Ched Meyers) On Demand On Demand
00595 ADMIN 054 (PCUSA) Presbyterian Churches and Solar Energy (Presbyterian Church ) On Demand On Demand
00247 SOJUS 015 (PCUSA) Presbyterian Energy Tithe Challenge: Faithful Caring for Church Resources (Presbyterian Church USA) On Demand On Demand
00626 FEWOS 008 (WILPF) Preventing Gender-Based Violence Through Arms Control (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom) On Demand On Demand
00684 MKOTM 016 (LOYUN) Proclaiming the Good News in a Digital Age (Loyola University) On Demand On Demand
00284 EDULE 011 (UUA) Program Ideas for the Summer Months (Unitarian Universalist Association) On Demand On Demand
00604 SPRTY 046 (UPPER) Questions God Asks Us (The Upper Room) Self-paced Self-paced
00054 MKOTM 003 (CHN) Radical Welcoming with Stephanie Spellers (ChurchNext) Self-paced course
00286 EDULE 013 (UUA) RE Volunteer Recruitment, Enrichment and Nurturing (Unitarian Universalist Association) On Demand On Demand
00135 THAPH 006 (QTH) Reading Queerly (Queer Theology) On-Demand On-Demand
00580 WOMER 059 (CPR) Reclaim Confession as a Progressive Practice for Lent (Center for Progressive Renewal) On-Demand On-Demand
00584 ADMIN 052 (SDI) Reimagining Supervision (Spiritual Directors International) On Demand On Demand
00667 PEARS 010 (UGRON) Religion and Conflict (University of Groningen) Self-paced Self-paced