SSOL Materials for Senior Pastors, Solo Pastors, or Clergypersons
All of the offerings found on SSOL could be useful for senior pastors, solo pastors, or any member of clergy. We invite you to explore the SSOL Categories of Learning page to see all that we offer.
Senior pastors, solo pastors, or members of the clergy may find these offerings regarding church administration; fundraising/stewardship; religious education; pastoral care, care-giving, and self-care; worship, meditation, and retreats; scriptures; and spirituality of particular interest (please see a table displaying these particular online offerings below).
A solo pastor, senior pastor, or clergyperson is responsible for the spiritual leadership and welfare of the church and its members. They cast the vision for the church and sets the overall direction of church programs. They provide leadership for and actively participates in worship, education, discipleship, outreach, activism, and evangelism for the spiritual life and growth of members. These individuals originate and present services of public worship, administers and leads the pastoral ministry of the church, has overall responsibility for the church staff, and represents the congregation in denominational and community affairs. They lead congregations in worship services. They prepare and deliver sermons and other talks. They conduct wedding and funeral services, administer religious rites or ordinances, and visit sick and shut-ins, and helps the poor, needy, or outcast. They also Counsel those in spiritual need and comforts bereaved.