SSOL Materials for Deacons and Deaconesses
All of the offerings found on SSOL could be useful for Deacons and Deaconesses. We invite you to explore the SSOL Categories of Learning page to see all that we offer.
Deacons and Deaconesses may find these offerings regarding church administration, fundraising/stewardship, education and learning, counseling and care-giving, worship, scriptures, and spirituality of particular interest (please see a table displaying these particular online offerings below).
Deacons and Deaconesses has as many different connotations as there are churches to bestow it. In some churches, the deacons/deaconesses are the official board, the legally recognized managing body. In other churches it is bestowed as a badge of honor, like “reverend,” but for laymen. Still other churches appoint almost everyone who is a regular attender as a deacon/deaconess.